Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Logan's first haircut

Logan's been waking up in the morning with a RAT'S nest on her head and when she woke up this morning it was the worst! It's just been getting harder and harder to get the knots out and I knew in my gut it's because she's NEVER had a haircut and that her baby hair at the bottom is dried out. Well crap, it's only been THREE YEARS!! So I did it tonight. I had Trent "flip" it and I took an after picture. I almost cried. I don't know why, it's just hair. But it's sentimental to me. Look in random drawers in my house - if you dare - and you'll find hair that's been cut off and put in a pony tail. Oh yeah, I have one, Heather's got one and now Logan. Too bad Trent dumped me when he chopped his blond lockes off...I would have had his too!!

Anyway, she looks cuter than ever and I'll post pictures later. It takes too long to download from home.

Everyone have a safe and fun 4th of July!!


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