Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No more naps at 3 years old??? REALLY?

Lo has skipped a room at her daycare which is great because she's doing so well and she's so mature! BUT, the new room she's in is filled with older kids and they don't have nap time. In the class she was in before she never napped but always had that quiet time to lay in her cot. And then on the four days she was at home she'd nap at least 3 hours. NOW, she's decided she doesn't need them anymore. This past weekend I went through our normal routine even though she said she didn't want to sleep...and an hour later I check on her and she's awake in her room singing or talking. I ask her if she's slept, her answer is "I'll sleep tomorrow K Mom?" I did it all three days last weekend and she didn't nap once. And the answer I always got when I asked her why is always the same..."I'll sleep tomorrow". Great...there go my quiet afternoons! Boo hoo!


Cherish said...

Don't give up!! Braeden did that 1 month after he turned 3. It last a week or 2 but I still went through the nap time routine and made him rest for at least an hour. Then he was back to napping--not the 3-4 hours he did before but 1.5-2 hours. Now that he is almost 3.5, I still do nap time routine everyday but he only naps on average about every other day but at least rests the other days for an hour.

I think they may be approaching the age of no nap but that doesn't mean there can't be quiet time or rest time. They need it and so do we!!! I feel your pain mama!!

Kitty said...

Thanks Cherish! You were right for the most part. She did nap this past Thursday and Friday but Sat we had a birthday party and Sun Trent didn't bother. This week we're out of town and my dad will have the girls so no naps this weekend either! Hopefully this lapse won't deter her! I won't give up!!!!!!!!